The Daily Beard with Lee Clow’s Beard
Since 2009, @leeclowsbeard has tweeted a daily crumb of wisdom about creativity in general and/or life in advertising in particular. The Daily Beard takes one of LCB's past 2,700+ tweets and briefly expands upon its meaning. This podcast is the audio portion of The Daily Beard video which can be found on YouTube at the OfficialLCB channel. @leeclowsbeard is the work of writer and creative director Jason Fox.
The Daily Beard with Lee Clow’s Beard
The Daily Beard No. 327 – Keep It on the Back-burner
Jason Fox
Season 1
Episode 327
Audio Player
00:00 | 02:46
Today we discuss why the story that makes the most impact should be the one most people actually see. If your work requires the audience to know the backstory of its creation or creators for them to appreciate it, your work has failed.